Nádherné fotografie pláži, ktoré rozžiaril svetielkujúci planktón

Polámte si trochu jazyk, povedzte trikrát rýchlo za sebou bioluminiscencia! Možno viete, že sa jedná o jav, kedy živé organizmy vyžarujú svetlo. Asi najznámejším príkladom takéhoto svetielkujúceho živočícha je svätojánska muška. Nie je však ani zďaleka jediná, zaujímavým exemplárom je svetielkujúci planktón, konkrétne teda mikroskopické organizmy žijúce v moriach. Tie v noci vylučujú látky, ktoré následne dokážu nádherne vysvietiť pláže a divákom poskytnú nevídané prírodné divadlo. Presvedčte sa sami nižšie.

Úžasný svetielkujúci planktón

Amazing Beaches: Bioluminescent Beach, Maldives.

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-COMPOSITE- Although the Milky Way and bioluminescent plankton were photographed by me, in the same place two days apart. I feel super fraudulent with this image. A shame when I finally had the opportunity to see the plankton we weren't graced with clear skies. Although both were astonishingly beautiful individually, it would have been a jackpot to capture both in a single exposure! Foreground – x5 shots to reduce noise 6 sec Iso 6400 f1.4 Sky – Single exposure 20 sec Iso 3200 f2.8 #neverstopexploring #alynwallacepresets #adventure #ourplanetdaily #wildernessculture #awesomeearth #nature #milkyway #astrophotography #visitwales #bioluminescent #nightsky #milkywaychasers #starrynight #universetoday #optoutside #discoverearth #exploretheglobe #nakedplanet #bioluminescentplankton #space #astro #astronomy #night #dunravenbay #composite #nightscape #photooftheday #sky #wales

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"Bioluminescent Bay" — Bioluminescent Phytoplankton or "Sea Sparkles" as seen along the neck of the South Arm Peninsula. I'm so stoked I had the opportunity to witness this stuff and it was great taking to kids down to see the glow as they walked through the water. As the tide began to rise the foreshore disappeared under soup of bioluminescent blue, agitated by waves splashing across the surface. South Arm Peninsula, Hobart, Tasmania. . . . . #milkyway #milkywaychasers #galaxy #night_excl #galacticcenter #discovertasmania #nightsky #amazing_australia_ #tasmaniagram #longexposure #astrophotography #timeless_universe #earthpix #natgeo #nightphotography #wildlifeplanet #nakedplanet #seeaustralia #fantastic_universe #ig_masterpiece #world_shotz #seeaustralia #longexposure_shots #universetoday #bioluminescence #ig_discover_australia #master_gallery #hubs_united #instatassie #phytoplankton #stargazingabc

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