Lee Chisholm je otec ako mnoho iných. Miluje svoju dcérku Avu , rád sa s ňou blázni, hrá i chodí na dlhé prechádzky. No dobre vie, že okrem pekných chvíľ a dôležitých míľnikov, ktoré sú opísané v každej príručke o rodičovstve , sú v živote rodiny aj iné chvíle . Také, na ktoré vás nikto nedokáže pripraviť. Keď si napríklad prvýkrát uvedomíte, že nemáte roztomilé dieťa, ale tornádo a činnú sopku v jednom. Neviete, kedy najbližšie vybuchne uprostred čerstvo vypratej bielizne, rozkričí sa v obchode, alebo kedy si zmyslí, že sa treba rozbehnúť priamo cez rušnú cestu…
Okrem toho sa naučil aj to, že… 1. V pokoji sa pripraviť pred odchodom z domu je už iba matná spomienka
2. Z vášho domu sa po chvíli stane sklad hračiek If you were to ask me about the memories I have of my father, they'd generally include a pint or two (or three), happiness, tears, excitement, & disappointment… Ok, we're both huge football fans & if you are, or know of a football supporter, you'll know that within 90 minutes, they can experience every single emotion under the sun… The one thing I will always have a memory of however is the feeling that he's got my back. Always! . I want Ava to be the same (in time!). I'm pretty certain her current memories are of an exhausted-looking dad who's really winging it and learning each and every day. But with exhaustion comes fun, & I'll continue to fill her memories with fun times, laughter and excitement because there's nothing more rewarding than seeing a big cheesy smile plastered across her cute little face. These awesome t-shirts from @notonthehighstreet seem to sum up our relationship pretty well! . What memories do you have of your father? #NOTHSFathersDay #ad
A post shared by Lee (@daddownload) on Jun 13, 2018 at 12:03pm PDT
3. S vašou zbierkou lega sa už nebudete hrať osamote a navyše – búrať je zábavnejšie ako stavať
4. Zabudnite na zbieranie nálepiek futbalistov
5. Neustále vás bude prenasledovať špinavá bielizeň Hands up if you enjoy doing the laundry….? . That's a bit of a trick question isn't it? I mean who in their right minds would enjoy spending half the day looking for that odd sock, only to then realise it was never in the wash in the first place! Then you go ahead & wash that odd sock, but by the time it's washed, you forgot where the original one was! Honestly, socks are the bane of my life! I have a section in my drawer for odd socks, please say it's not just me? . Anyways, with the sheer volume of clothes that this one little tiny weenie person goes through & the amount of walking, crawling (yes, she's started to crawl again? what's that about?!) & unwanted climbing that Ava does, it's important that she can move freely & irritation-free in her clothes… Her MOUNTAIN of clothes!! Now with @neutral.skin's specially formulated detergent for sensitive skin – Neutral 0%, she has the freedom to be that tearaway toddler without her detergent stopping her – It's just me that stops her now! Seriously though, there's nothing worse than seeing her skin flare up so we really are trying all we can! . Oh yeah, Do you want to win a trio of Neutral 0% laundry care products. All you have to do is tag a friend and share your skin story in the comments below using the tags #NeutralSensitiveSkin #AllergyAwarenessWeek – good luck!! (T&Cs for the competition can be found on the Neutral 0% Facebook page or via this link https://goo.gl/BENQve ) #neutralsensitiveskin #ad #allergyawarenessweek . . . . ** Shot inspired by the amazing @kweilz **
A post shared by Lee (@daddownload) on Apr 28, 2018 at 1:23am PDT
6. Na zápach detských grcaničiek si nikdy nezvyknete
7. Stanete sa objektom na pobavenie
8. A zároveň sa stanete hračkou. Ako všetko ostatné na svete
9. Zabudnite na to, že budete vyzerať cool
10. Spomínali sme už nekonečné pranie? Zvyknite si na to
Zdroj / Fakty o rodičovstve, ktoré sa nedočítate v žiadnej knihe: Instagram | boredpanda